We knew Tanna could pop at any moment, but I really expected she would deliver a day or two after Christmas. Last Thursday, Tanna started having contractions. This was nothing new, she has been having contractions since 20 weeks, but this time they were frequent and persisting. She called the doctor, who told her to time them, and if she had more than 6 in an hour, to call back. She had 13. The doctor told her, as a precaution, to come to the hospital and get an examination. When I arrived home from work, Tanna met me in the driveway and told me she had to go. I was annoyed at whatever doctor told her to come in- just to be extra careful.
We got to the hospital and the doctor examined Tanna, 1.5 cm dilated, 50% effaced. They put her on some monitors and told her to lay still, they would probably send us home in two hours. Two hours later, they told her they wanted to monitor a little longer, and gave her some medicine to stop contractions - again, we would probably go home in an hour or so. I was pretty surprised when they came back and told us Tanna would be staying over night, with lots more drugs, including some mega sleep aides.
The next morning, the doctor came in and checked Tanna. 3 cm dilated and still contracting. They told us she would get a bigger dose of the medication to stop contractions and would go home soon. In another hour she came back and told us she would be delivering the baby. It was a bit shocking, Tanna fretted a bit and I got on the phone to tell parents. Fortunately, Tanna's parents were already planning to come that weekend, they just had to leave a few hours earlier. From the time they told us they would deliver to the time I had a baby in my hands was about 25-30 minutes, that was a total blur.
As I wrote earlier, Tanna and baby Danielle did just fine and are recovering very well. Tanna was tough!! Major surgery and 8 months of pregnancy and the worst pain she felt was Friday night when she started out of bed screaming. I was obviously worried and called the nurse. Tears were streaming down her face as Tanna grunted through the pain, trying to communicate with the nurse. The nurse got her up to pee, all of a sudden the pain was gone. Major surgery and the pain my wife feels is a full bladder - one tough chick!
I wanted to get several more pictures up here and maybe a few videos. Enjoy!
And my favorite....
I wanted to try a little video, I don't think it has sound, but it's cute...
Well we're all exhausted, and it's past our bedtime, so we'll check in on you guys tomorrow.
Goodnight! *yawn*
Dude! I love the bigger,close up picture!! She seriously looks like an ANGEL! Her face is so perfect! And all that time you were worried that YOU, my brother, couldn't have a beautiful baby. Nice work! ;)
She is beautiful! My favorite picture is the one that's also YOUR favorite. I'm so happy for you. Get ready for a whole new life!
What an amazing experience. She is truly perfect and we are just so happy for you both. What a blessing to have a strong, healthy baby that came 5 weeks early. When Dillon says the prayer he always says " bless baby Dani that she will grow up strong and big like mommy", it's so cute. I cant wait to hold her. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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