Monday, September 22, 2008

This has become a popular photo lately, so I thought I'd better post it. Dani enjoys watching the grass grow :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lots of pictures

I have been told that many of you visit this blog often, only to be disappointed by the same old posts. Certain family members, you know who you are, have been scolding me for weeks to get some more baby Dani pictures up. So, without further ado, here she is - a few pics then a brief update.

Since April, lots of new things have happened. Dani went to Utah to see lots of relatives up there. She had lots of fun and was astonishingly well behaved during the 26 hr car ride home.

We got this picture with Great Grandma Rock in Utah.

When Tanna went back to work in August, we wanted to find quality care for Dani but we couldn't keep asking g'mas to make the trip. We pondered and prayed and decided to ask at the institute for a student who would like to live with us and care for Dani a few hours each morning. Immediately we got a recommendation and Dani's newest friends, Jori and Joslyn have been a wonderful addition to our little family. The first day we left Dani with Jori, she started to crawl (thanks Jori!). Now she pulls herself up on the coffee table, sticks power cords in her mouth and plays with her reflection. She also picks up little peices of cereal and fruit and feeds herself, making her easy to keep busy at mealtimes. Today, for the first time, she leaned in and gave me a kiss. Well, you could call it a kiss, it felt more like a jet refueling mid-flight. She wobbled in my direction cautiously until she got close enough then stuck out her little tongue and planted it in my mouth. It was messy, but very cute.

I'll keep you guys posted. This weekend, were heading for the beach. I hope to take some good pictures and put them up soon. 'Till then, you can catch up on these.

Finally, Dani took her first bike ride this week, with her new pink bunny helmet (she's not committed to helmet safety just yet, but she'll learn).

Monday, April 28, 2008

Googly Eyes!

because I can, I want to share possibly the funniest thing I've seen in a month.


Happy Dani, Sad Dani

Just the other day, Tanna reminded me I hadn't posted on the blog in a long time. When Dani heard that, it made her sad.

But tonight, I promised to catch up a bit, and that made her happy!

Dani wanted everybody to know she loves to take baths. She really enjoys them!

After it's all over, it gets really cold, this makes Dani mad.

When Dani turned 4 months old, daddy was finally willing to let her sleep in her own room. At first this made Dani sad.

But Dani slept so much better in her own room, she even slept through the night! This makes her much happier when she wakes up.

This week, the doctor said Dani could start trying solid foods- luv them sweet potatoes!

It does, however, digest a little different than milk. Not so fun at the other end.

Last week, daddy had to go away on business for 4 whole days! Of course that made Dani sad.

But Sunday, daddy came back, Dani was happy to see him again.

Over all, Dani is pretty happy most of the time. Check back for hopefully more frequent updates and milestones!


I'm Danielle and I approve this message

Cousin Kael says, "Me too, Ouch!"

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who lives in a pinapple under the sea?

Ok, I am having too much fun with the camera. In fact, here is our favorite clip yet. We hope you like it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Going for a walk

Tanna and baby have returned from Houston and just in time, I was missing them a lot. It amazes me that she seemed to grow so much in just three days! We took this picture a few days ago of Dani in her carrier. She sleeps so well in there, and it keeps Tanna from straining her back. We just might consider a little scuba tank in there, in case she needs to breathe.

We also caught Dani trying to do the YMCA earlier, we got proof!

Oh, I also caught a little grief from grandma & grandpa about posting 'funny' pictures of them on the blog. Sorry guys, no harm meant. I'll post a real one so people can see you're really quite normal.

Yup, that's right - vampires with terrible oral hygiene!

Ok, so I'm not that normal either. In fact just today I found my 'redneck cousin' trying to submit his profile to some TV dating site, what a weirdo!

Why is he wearing my "rookie dad" hat? Crazy redneck!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy 6th Week Danielle!

That's right, it's been 6 weeks already. It's hard to believe. We think she's up to about 8-8.5 pounds by now and getting cuter every day. Tanna and I noticed the other day, she's starting to get eyebrows. I know that's a strange observation, but hey- milestones are milestones.

Out little girl is beautiful, and since Tanna took her to Houston for a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, I've been missing her like crazy. I didn't know it would be that difficult to send her off, I guess I'm in bigger trouble than I thought.

Here is a little video just to show you how captivating she can be.

I have to admit, she's not that strange yet, which surprised me. I mean, have you seen her grandparents?

Just kidding guys :)